
package org.thegalactic.dgraph.io;

 * DGraphSerializerDot.java
 * Copyright: 2010-2015 Karell Bertet, France
 * Copyright: 2015-2016 The Galactic Organization, France
 * License: http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html CeCILL-B license
 * This file is part of java-lattices.
 * You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the CeCILL-B license.
import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.IOException;

import org.thegalactic.dgraph.ConcreteDGraph;
import org.thegalactic.dgraph.Edge;
import org.thegalactic.dgraph.Node;
import org.thegalactic.io.Writer;

 * This class defines the way for writing a graph to a text file.
 * ![DGraphSerializerDot](DGraphSerializerDot.png)
 * @param <N> Node content type
 * @param <E> Edge content type
 * @uml
 * DGraphSerializerDot.png
 * !include resources/org/thegalactic/dgraph/io/DGraphSerializerDot.iuml
 * !include resources/org/thegalactic/io/Writer.iuml
 * hide members show DGraphSerializerDot members class DGraphSerializerDot
 * #LightCyan title DGraphSerializerDot UML graph
public final class DGraphSerializerDot<N, E> implements Writer<ConcreteDGraph<N, E>> {

     * The singleton instance.
    private static final DGraphSerializerDot INSTANCE = new DGraphSerializerDot();

     * Return the singleton instance of this class.
     * @return the singleton instance
    public static DGraphSerializerDot getInstance() {
        return INSTANCE;

     * Register this class for writing .dot files.
    public static void register() {
        DGraphIOFactory.getInstance().registerWriter(DGraphSerializerDot.getInstance(), "dot");

     * This class is not designed to be publicly instantiated.
    private DGraphSerializerDot() {

     * Write a graph to a output stream.
     * @param graph a graph to write
     * @param file  a file
     * @throws IOException When an IOException occurs
    public void write(final ConcreteDGraph<N, E> graph, final BufferedWriter file) throws IOException {
        // Writing start of graph
        file.write("digraph G {");
        file.write("Graph [rankdir=BT]");

        // Writing nodes
        for (final Node<N> node : graph.getNodes()) {
            this.writeLabel(node.toString(), file);

        // Writing edges
        for (final Edge<N, E> edge : graph.getEdges()) {
            if (edge.hasContent()) {
                this.writeLabel(edge.getContent().toString(), file);

        // Writing end of graph

     * Write a label to the dot file.
     * @param label a label
     * @param file  a file
     * @throws IOException When an IOException occurs
    private void writeLabel(final String label, final BufferedWriter file) throws IOException {
        file.write(" [label=\"");
        file.write(label.replace("\"", "\\\""));