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1   package org.thegalactic.lattice;
3   /*
4    *
5    *
6    * Copyright: 2010-2015 Karell Bertet, France
7    * Copyright: 2015-2016 The Galactic Organization, France
8    *
9    * License: CeCILL-B license
10   *
11   * This file is part of java-lattices.
12   * You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the CeCILL-B license.
13   */
14  import java.util.BitSet;
15  import java.util.Iterator;
17  import org.thegalactic.dgraph.DAGraph;
18  import org.thegalactic.dgraph.DAGraphFactory;
19  import org.thegalactic.dgraph.Node;
20  import org.thegalactic.util.Couple;
22  /**
23   * This class provides a few methods to constructs lattice examples.
24   *
25   * ![LatticeFactory](LatticeFactory.png)
26   *
27   * @uml LatticeFactory.png
28   * !include resources/org/thegalactic/lattice/LatticeFactory.iuml
29   *
30   * class LatticeFactory #LightCyan
31   * title LatticeFactory UML graph
32   * @author jeff
33   */
34  public class LatticeFactory {
36      /**
37       * Returns a randomly generated lattice with nb nodes.
38       *
39       * @param nb Number of nodes in the randomly generated lattice
40       *
41       * @return a randomly generated lattice with nb nodes
42       */
43      public static Lattice<Integer, ?> random(int nb) {
44          boolean done = false;
45          Lattice l = new Lattice();
46          while (!done) {
47              DAGraph dag = DAGraphFactory.getInstance().random(nb - 2); // what an ugly strategy :-(
48              Lattice<Integer, ?> tmp = new Lattice(dag);
49              Node<Integer> top = new Node(nb - 1);
50              tmp.addNode(top);
51              for (Node<Integer> node : tmp.max()) {
52                  if (!node.equals(top)) {
53                      tmp.addEdge(node, top);
54                  }
55              }
56              Node<Integer> bot = new Node(nb);
57              tmp.addNode(bot);
58              for (Node<Integer> node : tmp.min()) {
59                  if (!node.equals(bot)) {
60                      tmp.addEdge(bot, node);
61                  }
62              }
63              if (tmp.isLattice()) {
64                  done = true;
65                  l = tmp;
66              }
67          }
68          return l;
69      }
71      /**
72       * Returns the boolean algebra of cardinal 2^n.
73       *
74       * @param n cardinal of the boolean algebra return by this method is 2^n
75       *
76       * @return the boolean algebra of cardinal 2^n
77       */
78      public static Lattice booleanAlgebra(int n) {
79          Lattice<BitSet, ?> l = new Lattice();
80          BitSet b = new BitSet(n);
81          Node<BitSet> bot = new Node(b);
82          l.addNode(bot);
83          for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
84              BitSet bs = new BitSet(n);
85              bs.set(i, true);
86              Node<BitSet> next = new Node(bs);
87              l.addNode(next);
88              l.addEdge(bot, next);
89              recursiveBooleanAlgebra(next, l, n);
90          }
91          return l;
92      }
94      /**
95       * Returns the lattice of permutations of 1..n.
96       *
97       * Permutation are ordered as follows : A permutation s2 is a succesor of a
98       * permutation s1, if s2 is obtained from s1 by inverting two consecutive
99       * elements i and j such that before inversion j > i.
100      *
101      * Example : 124356 has following successors 214356, 142356, 124536 and
102      * 124365.
103      *
104      * The bottom of this lattice is identity (for exemple 123456) and the top
105      * is for instance 654321.
106      *
107      * @param n the lattice of permutations of the set 1..n
108      *
109      * @return the lattice of permutations of 1..n.
110      */
111     public static Lattice permutationLattice(int n) {
112         Lattice<Permutation, ?> l = new Lattice();
113         int[] content = new int[n];
114         for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
115             content[i] = i;
116         }
117         Permutation s = new Permutation(n);
118         s.setContent(content);
119         Node<Permutation> bot = new Node(s);
120         l.addNode(bot);
121         for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
122             int[] newC = content.clone();
123             newC[i] = content[i + 1];
124             newC[i + 1] = content[i];
125             Permutation newS = new Permutation(n);
126             newS.setContent(newC);
127             Node<Permutation> succ = new Node(newS);
128             l.addNode(succ);
129             l.addEdge(bot, succ);
130             recursivePermutationLattice(succ, l, n);
131         }
132         return l;
133     }
135     /**
136      * Returns the lattice cartesian product of l and r.
137      *
138      * A node in the product is a cartesian product of two nodes
139      *
140      * There is an edge (n1, m1) -> (n2, m2) if and only if there are edges n1
141      * -> n2 and m1 -> m2
142      *
143      * @param l Lattice of the left hand side of the product
144      * @param r Lattice of the right hand side of the product
145      *
146      * @return the lattice cartesian product of l and r
147      */
148     public static Lattice product(Lattice l, Lattice r) {
149         Lattice prod = new Lattice();
150         // Create nodes
151         for (Object nL : l.getNodes()) {
152             for (Object nR : r.getNodes()) {
153                 prod.addNode(new Node(new Couple(((Node) nL).getContent(), ((Node) nR).getContent())));
154             }
155         }
156         // Create edges
157         for (Object source : prod.getNodes()) {
158             for (Object target : prod.getNodes()) {
159                 if (l.containsEdge(l.getNodeByContent(((Couple) ((Node) source).getContent()).getLeft()),
160                         l.getNodeByContent(((Couple) ((Node) target).getContent()).getLeft()))
161                         && r.containsEdge(r.getNodeByContent(((Couple) ((Node) source).getContent()).getRight()),
162                                 r.getNodeByContent(((Couple) ((Node) target).getContent()).getRight()))) {
163                     prod.addEdge((Node) source, (Node) target);
164                 }
165             }
166         }
167         return prod;
168     }
170     /**
171      * Returns lattice l in which convex c has been doubled.
172      *
173      * @param l a lattice
174      * @param c a convex subset of l, to be doubled.
175      *
176      * @return a lattice construct from l by doubling the convex subset c.
177      */
178     public static Lattice doublingConvex(Lattice l, DAGraph c) {
179         Lattice doubled = new Lattice();
180         // Copy nodes by Content
181         for (Object node : l.getNodes()) {
182             if (c.containsNode((Node) node)) {
183                 // These nodes are doubled
184                 Couple cpl0 = new Couple(((Node) node).getContent(), 0);
185                 Node n0 = new Node(cpl0);
186                 Couple cpl1 = new Couple(((Node) node).getContent(), 1);
187                 Node n1 = new Node(cpl1);
188                 doubled.addNode(n0);
189                 doubled.addNode(n1);
190             } else {
191                 // These nodes are just copied
192                 doubled.addNode(new Node(((Node) node).getContent()));
193             }
194         }
195         // Construct edges of doubled
196         Couple test = new Couple(0, 0); // used to test class of contents
197         for (Object x : doubled.getNodes()) {
198             for (Object y : doubled.getNodes()) {
199                 // Add an edge if x < y
200                 if (((Node) x).getContent().getClass() == test.getClass()) { // x was in convex c
201                     if (((Node) y).getContent().getClass() == test.getClass()) { // y was also in convex c
202                         // x & y were in convex c
203                         Couple cX = (Couple) ((Node) x).getContent();
204                         Couple cY = (Couple) ((Node) y).getContent();
205                         if ((cX.getLeft() == cY.getLeft()) && (((Integer) cX.getRight()) == 0)
206                                 && (((Integer) cY.getRight()) == 1)) {
207                             // Same content means same node. x is of the form (cX, 0) and y is of the for (cX, 1) so x < y in doubled.
208                             doubled.addEdge((Node) x, (Node) y);
209                         } else if (l.majorants(l.getNodeByContent(cX.getLeft())).contains(l.getNodeByContent(cY.getLeft()))
210                                 && (cX.getRight() == cY.getRight())) {
211                             // x < y in l and x & y have the same second component si x < y in doubled.
212                             doubled.addEdge((Node) x, (Node) y);
213                         }
214                     } else { // y wasn't in convex c
215                         // x was in c & y wasn't
216                         Couple cX = (Couple) ((Node) x).getContent();
217                         if (l.majorants(l.getNodeByContent(cX.getLeft())).contains(l.getNodeByContent(((Node) y).getContent()))
218                                 && (((Integer) cX.getRight()) == 1)) {
219                             // x < y in l and second component of x is 1.
220                             doubled.addEdge((Node) x, (Node) y);
221                         }
222                     }
223                 } else // x wasn't in convex c
224                  if (((Node) y).getContent().getClass() == test.getClass()) { // y was in convex c
225                         // x wasn't in c but y was
226                         Couple cY = (Couple) ((Node) y).getContent();
227                         if (l.majorants(l.getNodeByContent(((Node) x).getContent())).contains(l.getNodeByContent(cY.getLeft()))
228                                 && (((Integer) cY.getRight()) == 0)) {
229                             // x < y in l and x & second component of y is 0.
230                             doubled.addEdge((Node) x, (Node) y);
231                         }
232                     } else // y wasn't in convex c
233                     // x wasn't in c nor y
234                      if (l.majorants(l.getNodeByContent(((Node) x).getContent())).contains(l.getNodeByContent(((Node) y).getContent()))) {
235                             // x < y in l and x & second component of y is 0.
236                             doubled.addEdge((Node) x, (Node) y);
237                         }
238             }
239         }
240         doubled.transitiveReduction();
241         return doubled;
242     }
244     /**
245      * Computes successors of node n in the boolean algebra currently generated.
246      *
247      * @param node this method compute successors of this node
248      * @param l    boolean algebra currently generated
249      * @param n    the number of node of l will be 2^n at the end of computation
250      */
251     private static void recursiveBooleanAlgebra(Node node, Lattice l, int n) {
252         for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
253             BitSet b = (BitSet) node.getContent();
254             if (!b.get(i)) {
255                 BitSet bs = (BitSet) b.clone();
256                 bs.set(i, true);
257                 if (l.getNodeByContent(bs) == null) {
258                     Node next = new Node(bs);
259                     l.addNode(next);
260                     l.addEdge(node, next);
261                     recursiveBooleanAlgebra(next, l, n);
262                 } else {
263                     l.addEdge(node, l.getNodeByContent(bs));
264                 }
265             }
266         }
267     }
269     /**
270      * Computes successors of node n in the lattice l.
271      *
272      * @param node successors of this node are computed by this method
273      * @param l    lattice of permutations currently generated
274      * @param n    lattice of permutation of the set 1..n is currently generated
275      */
276     private static void recursivePermutationLattice(Node node, Lattice l, int n) {
277         Permutation s = (Permutation) node.getContent();
278         for (int i = 0; i < s.getLength() - 1; i++) {
279             if (s.getContent()[i] < s.getContent()[i + 1]) {
280                 int[] newC = s.getContent().clone();
281                 Node currentNode = new Node();
282                 newC[i] = s.getContent()[i + 1];
283                 newC[i + 1] = s.getContent()[i];
284                 Permutation newP = new Permutation(n);
285                 newP.setContent(newC);
286                 boolean newNode = true;
287                 Iterator<Node> it = l.getNodes().iterator();
288                 while (it.hasNext() && newNode) {
289                     currentNode =;
290                     Permutation currentContent = (Permutation) currentNode.getContent();
291                     newNode = !(currentContent.equals(newP));
292                 }
293                 if (newNode) {
294                     Permutation newS = new Permutation(n);
295                     newS.setContent(newC);
296                     Node next = new Node(newS);
297                     l.addNode(next);
298                     l.addEdge(node, next);
299                     recursivePermutationLattice(next, l, n);
300                 } else {
301                     l.addEdge(node, currentNode);
302                 }
303             }
304         }
305     }
307     /**
308      * Empty constructor.
309      */
310     protected LatticeFactory() {
311         super();
312     }
314     /**
315      * This class provides a representation of permutations.
316      *
317      * If this component transforms : 0 -> 1, 1 -> 0 & 2 -> 2. Then its length
318      * is 3 and
319      *
320      * The content contains :
321      *
322      * ~~~
323      * content[0]=1 content[1]=0 content[2]=2
324      * ~~~
325      */
326     private static class Permutation {
328         /**
329          * This component is a permutation of 0..length-1.
330          */
331         private int length;
333         /**
334          * The transformation represented by this component.
335          *
336          * If this component transforms : 0 -> 1, 1 -> 0 & 2 -> 2. The field
337          * content contains :
338          *
339          * ~~~
340          * content[0]=1 content[1]=0 content[2]=2
341          * ~~~
342          */
343         private int[] content;
345         /**
346          * Constructs identity of the set 0..n-1.
347          *
348          * @param n permutation of the set 0..n-1.
349          */
350         Permutation(int n) {
351             this.length = n;
352             this.content = new int[n];
353             for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
354                 this.content[i] = i;
355             }
356         }
358         /**
359          * Returns the transformation coded by this component.
360          *
361          * @return the transformation coded by this component.
362          */
363         public int[] getContent() {
364             return this.content;
365         }
367         /**
368          * Set the transformation coded by this component.
369          *
370          * Length of this component is update by this method.
371          *
372          * @param c the transformation coded in this component.
373          *
374          * @return this for chaining
375          */
376         public Permutation setContent(int[] c) {
377             this.content = c;
378             this.length = c.length;
379             return this;
380         }
382         /**
383          * Return length of this component.
384          *
385          * @return length of this component.
386          */
387         public int getLength() {
388             return this.length;
389         }
391         /**
392          * Set length of this componenet.
393          *
394          * @param l length of this component.
395          *
396          * @return true if update is successful.
397          */
398         public boolean setLength(int l) {
399             if ((this.content.length == l) && (l <= this.getLength())) {
400                 this.length = l;
401                 return true;
402             } else {
403                 return false;
404             }
405         }
407         /**
408          * Returns a string representation of this component.
409          *
410          * @return a string representation of this component.
411          */
412         @Override
413         public String toString() {
414             String str = "";
415             for (int i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
416                 str = str + this.content[i];
417             }
418             return str;
419         }
421         /**
422          * Returns true if this component is equal to s.
423          *
424          * @param s test if this component is equal to s
425          *
426          * @return true if this component is equal to s
427          */
428         public boolean equals(Permutation s) {
429             if (!(s.getLength() == this.length)) {
430                 return false;
431             } else {
432                 boolean tmp = true;
433                 for (int i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
434                     tmp = tmp && (this.content[i] == s.getContent()[i]);
435                 }
436                 return tmp;
437             }
438         }
440         /**
441          * Compute the hash code.
442          *
443          * @return an integer representing the object
444          */
445         @Override
446         public int hashCode() {
447             return super.hashCode();
448         }
449     }
450 }