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1   package org.thegalactic.rule;
3   /*
4    *
5    *
6    * Copyright: 2010-2015 Karell Bertet, France
7    * Copyright: 2015-2016 The Galactic Organization, France
8    *
9    * License: CeCILL-B license
10   *
11   * This file is part of java-lattices.
12   * You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the CeCILL-B license.
13   */
14  import java.util.Collection;
15  import java.util.SortedSet;
17  import org.thegalactic.util.ComparableSet;
19  /**
20   * This class gives a representation for an implicational rule.
21   *
22   * A rule is composed of a premise and a conclusion that are comparable sets,
23   * i.e. sets of elements that can be sorted by the lectic order defined by class
24   * `ComparableSet`.
25   *
26   * This class implements class `Comparable` aiming at sorting rules by providing
27   * the {@link #compareTo} method.
28   *
29   * Comparison between this component and those in parameter is realised by
30   * sorting their premises (lecticaly order), or their conclusion in case of
31   * equality of the premises.
32   *
33   * The coherence of the lectically sort between rules isn't ensured in case of
34   * modification of the rule. Therefore, it is strongly advised to replace each
35   * modified rule by a new one.
36   *
37   * ![Rule](Rule.png)
38   *
39   * @uml
40   *
41   * Rule.png
42   *
43   * !include resources/org/thegalactic/lattice/Rule.iuml
44   *
45   * hide members
46   * show Rule members
47   * class Rule #LightCyan
48   * title Rule UML graph
49   */
50  public class Rule implements Comparable<Rule> {
52      /*
53       * ------------- FIELDS ------------------
54       */
55      /**
56       * The premise of the rule.
57       */
58      private final ComparableSet premise;
60      /**
61       * The conclusion of the rule.
62       */
63      private final ComparableSet conclusion;
65      /* ------------- CONSTRUCTORS ------------------ */
66      /**
67       * Constructs a new empty Rule with a empty premise and an empty conclusion.
68       */
69      public Rule() {
70          this.premise = new ComparableSet();
71          this.conclusion = new ComparableSet();
72      }
74      /**
75       * Constructs a new Rule with the premise and the conclusion given in
76       * parameters.
77       *
78       * @param premise    a set of indexed elements
79       * @param conclusion a set of indexed elements
80       */
81      public Rule(final SortedSet<Comparable> premise, final SortedSet<Comparable> conclusion) {
82          this.premise = new ComparableSet(premise);
83          this.conclusion = new ComparableSet(conclusion);
84      }
86      /*
87       * ------------- ACCESSORS METHODS ------------------
88       */
89      /**
90       * Returns a copy of the premise of the Rule.
91       *
92       * @return premises of this component
93       */
94      public final ComparableSet getPremise() {
95          return this.premise;
96      }
98      /**
99       * Returns a copy of the conclusion of the Rule.
100      *
101      * @return conclusions of this component
102      */
103     public final ComparableSet getConclusion() {
104         return this.conclusion;
105     }
107     /*
108      * ------------- MODIFICATION METHODS ------------------
109      */
110     /**
111      * Adds the specified comparable to the premise of this component.
112      *
113      * @param a Comparable to add to this component's premises.
114      *
115      * @return true if addition is successfull.
116      */
117     public final boolean addToPremise(final Comparable a) {
118         return this.premise.add(a);
119     }
121     /**
122      * Removes the specified comparable from the premise of this component.
123      *
124      * @param a Comparable to remove to this component's premises.
125      *
126      * @return true if addition is successfull.
127      */
128     public final boolean removeFromPremise(final Comparable a) {
129         return this.premise.remove(a);
130     }
132     /**
133      * Adds the specified element to the conclusion of this component.
134      *
135      * @param a Comparable to add to this component's conclusions.
136      *
137      * @return true if addition is successfull.
138      */
139     public final boolean addToConclusion(final Comparable a) {
140         return this.conclusion.add(a);
141     }
143     /**
144      * Removes the specified comparable from the conclusion of this component.
145      *
146      * @param a Comparable to remove to this component's conclusions.
147      *
148      * @return true if addition is successfull.
149      */
150     public final boolean removeFromConclusion(final Object a) {
151         return this.conclusion.remove(a);
152     }
154     /**
155      * Adds the specified collection of indexed elements to the premise of this
156      * component.
157      *
158      * @param a Collection of comparables to add to this component's premises.
159      *
160      * @return true if addition is successfull.
161      */
162     public final boolean addAllToPremise(final Collection<Comparable> a) {
163         return this.premise.addAll(a);
164     }
166     /**
167      * Removes the specified collection of indexed elements from the premise of
168      * this component.
169      *
170      * @param a Collection of comparables to remove to this component's
171      *          premises.
172      *
173      * @return true if addition is successfull.
174      */
175     public final boolean removeAllFromPremise(final Collection<Comparable> a) {
176         return this.premise.removeAll(a);
177     }
179     /**
180      * Adds the specified collection of indexed elements to the conclusion of
181      * this component.
182      *
183      * @param a Collection of comparables to add to this component's
184      *          conclusions.
185      *
186      * @return true if addition is successfull.
187      */
188     public final boolean addAllToConclusion(final Collection<Comparable> a) {
189         return this.conclusion.addAll(a);
190     }
192     /**
193      * Removes the specified collection of indexed elements from the conclusion
194      * of this component.
195      *
196      * @param a Collection of comparables to remove to this component's
197      *          conclusions.
198      *
199      * @return true if addition is successfull.
200      */
201     public final boolean removeAllFromConclusion(final Collection<Comparable> a) {
202         return this.conclusion.removeAll(a);
203     }
205     /*
206      * ------------- OVERRIDDEN METHODS ------------------
207      */
208     /**
209      * Returns a String representation of this component.
210      *
211      * The following format is used:
212      *
213      * ~~~
214      * [elements of the premise separated by a space] -> [elements of the conclusion separated by a space]
215      * ~~~
216      *
217      * a StringTokenizer is used to delete spaces in the string description of
218      * each element of premise and conclusion
219      *
220      * @return a string made of premises followed by -> and the conclusions.
221      */
222     @Override
223     public String toString() {
224         final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
225         for (final Object e : this.getPremise()) {
226             builder.append(e).append(' ');
227         }
228         builder.append("->");
229         for (final Object e : this.getConclusion()) {
230             builder.append(' ').append(e);
231         }
232         return builder.toString();
233     }
235     /**
236      * Returns the hash code of this component.
237      *
238      * @return hash code of this component
239      */
240     @Override
241     public int hashCode() {
242         return 1013 * this.premise.hashCode() ^ 1009 * this.conclusion.hashCode();
243     }
245     /**
246      * Compares this component with the specified one.
247      *
248      * @param object object to compare to this component.
249      *
250      * @return true or false as this componant is equals to the specified
251      *         object.
252      */
253     @Override
254     public boolean equals(final Object object) {
255         return this == object || object != null && this.getClass() == object.getClass()
256                 && this.getPremise().equals(((Rule) object).getPremise())
257                 && this.getConclusion().equals(((Rule) object).getConclusion());
258     }
260     /**
261      * Compares this component with the specified one by comparing their
262      * premises, or their conclusion in case of equality of the premises.
263      *
264      * @param rule object to compare to this component.
265      *
266      * @return a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as this component
267      *         is less than, equal to, or greater than the specified object.
268      */
269     public final int compareTo(final Rule rule) {
270         final ComparableSet thisPremise = (ComparableSet) this.getPremise();
271         final ComparableSet thisConclusion = (ComparableSet) this.getConclusion();
272         int cmp = thisPremise.compareTo(rule.getPremise());
273         if (cmp == 0) {
274             cmp = thisConclusion.compareTo(rule.getConclusion());
275         }
276         return cmp;
277     }
278 }